Microblading and feather-touch are the same treatment.
This method is the most natural form of eyebrow tattooing. Super fine “hair-like” strokes are tattooed into the skin behind existing hair with a manual tool to create definition and fill in the gaps to create a fuller brow. This treatment is semi-permanent and lasts anywhere from 12-18 months. A refresh once a year is recommended to keep them looking fresh.
Two forms of topical aesthetic are used for your comfort. The pain threshold varies for each individual. Some clients may experience slight discomfort but it is very mild.
This depends on a few variables such as when the tattoo was last done, how much it’s faded if we need to change the shape of the tattoo needs laser removal before we can work over it etc.
This is evaluated by each individual to decide if that’s something we are able to do.
Please disclose any medical conditions when making a booking. We may require additional documentation from your GP for some conditions.
* Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
* If you have had any Botox, filler or threads within 2 weeks of your appointment date
* Using Accutane
* Had any laser/IPL skin peels or dermal needling within 2 weeks of treatment
* Undergoing or have had chemo recently
* Those with diabetes require a physicians note
* Blood thinners
* Have a heart condition or using heart medication (pacemaker)
* Lastly, those who are allergic to lidocaine, tetracaine, epinephrine or prilocaine
You are given strict instructions for aftercare at your appointment.
No exercise, direct sun, swimming or makeup is to be applied to the area for 5-7 days after your treatment.
There is minimal risk of infection when these hygiene standards are maintained.
Yes, all needles and microblading equipment is one use only and goes into a safe sharps bin after each client. All other equipment such as lights, tattoo gun is safely wrapped with a barrier and disinfected correctly after each use.
There are a few variables to go over to see if you’re suitable for a touch up. Please send us an email with your previous tattoo so we can see if this is something we can work over. If your tattoo is old and really dark you may require a few laser treatments first to remove/ lighten them before we can get you in to refresh them.